Friday, May 1, 2009

Trains- dogs welcome too!

We took a black cab to Paddington Station. London is famous for these cabs and they are the BEST- especially if you have what seems like an awful lot of luggage. It and us all fit easily and we get our train tickets and have plenty of time to hang on the platform before catching the train to Swansea in Wales.

The train is clean and fast and smooth and very quiet. We have about a 4 hour train ride altogether and listen to our iPods and look out the window as the landscape changes and read. We share a bottle of water and the croissants and apples and it's a good ride- just what we need after the exhaustion of the previous day.

Gradually the countryside changes and everything becomes very very green, with dots of sheep and cows and when we stop at about the fifth station out, the signs are in Welsh and English and we know we are in Wales. A boy gets on with a sheepdog ( meaning a border collie type dog, not a fluffy grey and white one) and they ride with us all the way to Swansea. The conductor tells me that dogs are always allowed on trains in Wales and seems to be searching my face for disapproval. I assure him that I think it's terrific and wonder briefly how much havoc my dogs could wreak in 2 hours on this tidy train, but push the thought away.

We get off the train at Swansea, invigorated and ready to move. William sits with suitcases piled around him as mom gets directions to the car rental. We catch another cab, and it turns out that our car is a silver Volkswagon station wagon ( an 'estate car' , we are told). It's longer than my car at home, but it has room for all the suitcases in the boot, so off we go!

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