Friday, May 1, 2009

Chelsea Dagger, you must be rich with shoes like that

After crashing hard for a few hours, W & I wake to find that my mom has already been out to a little grocery down the road and come back with roast chicken, gazpacho, pineapple juice, apples and a little cherry cake. It is all delicious and we eat it and explore the small but comfy and elegant flat in the heart of Chelsea. I have to totally give my mom props- getting a flat for the night instead of a hotel room was less expensive and way way cooler. We are hip urban Londoners eating roast chicken in our posh little flat. Seriously though, it really makes you feel immediately more at home- you have an actual key jangling in your pocket as you let yourself out of the building. You might be anyone in the city, going to a job or meeting friends for coffee or picking up some flowers on the corner or going for a run in the park across the street. You just don't FEEL as lost and touristy- I highly recommend it.

We go out and walk around Chelsea towards Sloane Square. If any of you recall the Princess Di era,this is where she and her pals got the nickname 'Sloan Rangers' because they shopped a lot and it is filled with snazzy, very expensive little shops. And shoes. Lots and lots of shoe stores.
(There were even a pair of very cool brown leather crush boots with straps wrapped around them calling my name, but as soon as I did the conversion from pounds to dollars and figured out their price, that shut them right up) .

It was a beautiful sunny, warm evening and EVERYONE was out. Chelsea was filled with families and $400 strollers and also with kids in school uniforms of all sorts. Seriously, they were ADORABLE- playing cricket in a field, skipping around the park chasing pigeons, holding onto little hats- they were all flavors and varieties and all very very cute.

We wondered around and had dinner in a little pub near the flat and then went up and crashed out again. The next morning while mom took a shower, W and I went down to a little Belgian cafe up the street that was also an organic bakery and had a fabulous breakfast: ( there is going to be a lot of food in this blog, so just get used to it)fresh orange juice, soft boiled egg with tiny whole-grain bread fingers, perfect pale butter, greek yogurt with fresh fruit and muslei, two bowls of cafe au lait (for me, but I did let W sip- its half milk anyway and was possibly the best coffee I have ever had) and finally for W a chocolate croissant ( he let me nibble the end of it). Mom came and joined us, we got three croissants for the road and went up to the flat to pack up and catch the train. Breakfast is a most civilized and perfect way to start the day. Especially when it is all organic, free trade, delicious and not any more expensive than it deserves to be.

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